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Your support empowers people to discover God's Word & multiply disciples

Waha is free and made available to more people in more languages through the generous support of people like you.

Patron Perk: Monthly supporters of at least $50/month (or one-time donations of more than $500) will receive the premium Waha "Discover..." travel mug by the brand Fellow. (Ships only within the USA.)

Monthly goal funded:


Your support makes all this possible

51,647 Disciple Makers Equipped

167 Countries

36 Languages

Last updated: 2/19/2025, 10:04:53 PM

What supporters are saying

This is the most exciting development in the world of missions that I’ve ever seen. I am very happy for our church to support this.

James Heffington


Wow, there is such a return on investment for giving towards this!

Thomas F

Ships anywhere in the United States (for free!)

Exclusive for our $50 (or more) per month supporters, or one-time supporters of more than $500

Giving monthly has its perks

Elevate your giving and enjoy your beverages in style. Our cherished supporters contributing $50 or more per month (or one-time donations of more than $500) will receive a 12-ounce travel mug that seamlessly combines form and function.

Made of stainless steel with a true taste ceramic coating and a curious twist on the Waha logo, this mug is more than just a daily companion—it's a conversation starter.


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Monthly goal funded:


Your support empowers people to discover God's Word & multiply disciples

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